The Humanitarian

While in medical school and working as a doctor, Tom had first hand experience with the struggles of delivering high quality healthcare and education to disadvantaged communities in Australia and developing countries.

Being involved in community service, charitable organisations and social enterprise, as well as running his own foundation taught him that organisations in this space face unique problems when trying to deliver their solution. While their mission, intention and the people involved may be inspiring, the execution, systems and processes often lead to poor results and in many cases outright failure. This can have devastating effects on the most vulnerable populations.

He noticed that his unique skill set can be used for good in this field. He takes a business mindset, skills and processes to the social and charitable space to produce better outcomes for the community and the organisation.

As a joint founder of the Humanitarian Doctors Foundation, he aims to provide education and healthcare to the most needy and vulnerable communities in Australia and abroad. One of the first initiatives involved, helping to guide a group of future doctors to successfully raise money for and clothe 500 Balinese school children. This was called Barefoot Bali.

Barefoot Bali is an initiative from 5 top-performing students to help provide over 500 school children in Bali (Indonesia) access to school clothes and shoes. In 2015, Dr Tom and the team delivered the first batch of clothes to the school children in a life changing event.

In 2018/2019, are 2 brand new campaigns running to assist healthcare in various parts of the world.