The Doctor

Going through medical school and working in the field has shaped Tom’s life purpose and mission.

He grew up surrounded by doctors and eventually decided to follow his family into this all-consuming career. From the beginning it was full of obstacles which had to be overcome. After three attempts at the medical school entrance exam, one failed interview and one successful one, he finally got in.

Along the way, he realised that many people trying to get into medical school in Australia were studying for this exam the wrong way. So he developed an education company to address this. To read more about this, see ‘the Entrepreneur’ section.

Medical school was a formative time for Tom. He was surrounded by high performers who were used to being the best in their class. He had to compete with them for grades. There was also the business he ran on the side which quickly grew to a team of 12+ people, helping over 45,000 individuals. Tom also values health and fitness, so he maintained an active lifestyle throughout. Plus, he had a thriving relationship with his now wife, Mare. Managing all this lead to some incredible lessons.

The actual medical education was life changing too. He learnt about a different side of life – one which can not be experienced outside of medical practice. He was given an insight into things that average citizens and business people will never know. Dr Tom worked in the fields of Orthopaedics, Geriatrics, Cardiology, Colorectal Surgery, Neurology, Emergency Medicine, and Radiation Oncology. Each was filled with powerful emotional experiences which have shaped Tom’s view of the world and himself.

His experiences working with cancer patients ultimately provided the final push he needed to pursue his passions full time. He has currently put the clinical practice of medicine on hold while he works on a number of exciting projects within the realms of social enterprise, charity and business.
Dr Tom’s medical future is based on applying his unique skills to making a positive impact on the medical field from the outside, free from the constraints often imposed by clinical practice.